Become Better at Networking by Listening More and Talking Less
Networking is like a dance—everyone at a networking event seems to know each other already. They’re chatting, shaking hands, and laughing—while you just stand there. Sometimes, especially with young professionals, networking can be intimidating at first. However, when you’re building your network, start by listening more and talking less. Ask questions – like an interview […]
Have You Identified the Qualities High Performers Need in Your Company?
Any business owner in any industry will tell you – job responsibilities, for both temporary workers and permanent employees, are becoming more skilled and more complex. Your top performers need to have strong communication skills, experience working with diverse teams and able to manage high-tech software. Your employees need to have the skills that will […]
Get Your Cover Letter Noticed by Being Clear and Concise
Whether you’re an administrative assistant, a network administrator or a light industrial worker, there is a lot of job competition out there. When employers post a job opening, their inboxes are flooded with hundreds of applications in a day. When they look at your resume, do they get a true sense of who you are? […]
Making Safety a Priority Will Have a Company-Wide Impact
Safety practices can impact more than employee health. Safety can also significantly impact your company’s bottom line. Whether you have new hires, temporary labor or employees who’ve been around for years, when everyone is on board with workforce safety, the entire company feels a positive shift. When you look at the costs associated with safety […]
How Is Reshoring Helping the Manufacturing Job Market?
The U.S. manufacturing industry is experiencing a resurgence with reshoring taking center stage. Reshoring is the reversal of offshoring; it’s the practice of bringing outsourced jobs back to the U.S. In 2014, jobs from reshoring grew so quickly that roughly 10,000 manufacturing jobs were brought back to workers in the U.S. While reshoring jobs are […]
Why You Need to Build Company Culture (and Top Ways to Do It This Fall!)
Have you ever found yourself staring at a stack of applications, wondering why your employees keep leaving? You’re not alone; from office managers to warehouse supervisors, business leaders in every industry have been there at least once. There are many reasons for high turnover, but one of the most common is often the most overlooked […]